Welcome to Simply better transgender

Dai Davies has over 20 years’ experience of Transgender Surgery and an International reputation for his surgical expertise. His staff provide an understanding and caring environment and work with both private patients and NHS referrals from all over the country. Together with Miles Berry a major paper was published in JPRAS (Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery). This reported the scientific analysis of 100 cases of Female to Male Transgender Chest Reconstruction and is currently the world’s largest series.

FtM Chest Wall Surgery

M2F Breast Augmentation

Facial Feminisation

Body Contouring and Shaping

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    In association with

    Gender Care

    GenderCare is a network of individual healthcare practitioners, all qualified, Consultant-level professionals experienced in the gender field. We work directly with a number of practitioners including Dr Stuart Lorimer

    Harley Street Gender clinic

    Providing guidance, support and treatment toward authentic gender expression in association with Dr Vickie Pasterski.